Hatterus Transformation
Gayland Looney
Our largest project to date. The customer came to us asking to fully transform his Hatterus as he was taking it to Alaska in 2-3 months. There was a lot to do on this boat. He wanted to change the original blue sunbrella to a heavy duty fabric. Given the conditions in Alaska, we recommended to use Stamoid Heavy Cover as it is really easy to maintain and extremely strong. The enclosure was done with Makrolon Polycarbonate to maximize visibility and strength in cold temperatures. Needless to say, the upholstery was not fit to last another year so we opted to envision a more modern look for the flybridge. New foam, sharp corners, clean white vinyl with a soft accent gray would be enough to fully renovate the look of the boat. Lastly, the floors were done with gray EVA foam which completely gave an overhaul to the entire flybridge.
On the cockpit area, we had to also remove the old canvas sunshade and replace it with Stamoid. We designed it to make it a lot easier to climb up through the staircase without having to deal so much with the fabric. There was more work to be done to the floor as it contained a large fish tank, lots of cracks and unneeded holes. We tasked our team to remove the fish tank, seal the large gap left by the tank, reseal all the cracks and hole and lastly add non-slip to the floor to make the deck as good as new. The customer loved the EVA-foam that he added it on the cockpit area, gunnels, and bow of the boat.
On the interior part of the boat, it was a complete 1990's theme that would not match the same look as the exterior part of the boat. We discussed with the customer as to what he thinks would look and feel great for him as most of the time would be spent inside. We once again recommended to make the salon seats and the dinette area with new foam, and Ultraleather. The feel of Ultraleather alone convinced the customer to move forward. As new boat owners, they wanted to remove the old flooring and add their style to their boat. Considering the entire salon area and staterooms were carpet and they would be having drink in the salon area, they moved forward with Infinity Woven Carpet in the salon and keep a plush carpet in the staterooms. This makes it a lot easier to clean and maintain plus it is very durable with high traffic. Just as any remodeling, the perfection is in the details. The curtains, headboards and bed sheets had to be replaced as well to finish off the look and make it their own.
As the project was coming along with 6 weeks left to go, the imperfections on the paint, gelcoat and window trims started to protrude more than before. We then began to preparation of the window trims and cracks all around the boat to repair. Once the repairs were completed, we washed the boat to make sure there were not any imperfections left and turn in a perfect boat.
As the final weeks arouse, we were there all day everyday until the 15th, as the next morning they were leaving. We had to coordinate our team with the installations of the stateroom carpet, salon flooring, interior upholstery and drapery, beds, EVA flooring, flybridge upholstery, flybridge enclosure, cockpit sunshade and cover. It was a busy week and had to stay late but as long as the customer is satisfied, we're satisfied and proud of our work.
They left the next morning and a few weeks later arrived in Ketchikan, Alaska. We are proud to say that even in 1700+ miles our work is standing!